Ju'un aluminio, known for its versatility and wide range of applications, is a staple in industries from food packaging to electrical engineering. Leti'e' 1070 Ju'un aluminio, in particular, stands out due to its high purity and unique properties that make it an ideal choice for various applications. Our factory and wholesaler, HuaSheng Alumnium, specializes in providing high-quality 1070 Aluminium Foil to meet the demands of our customers across different sectors.
1070 Aluminium Foil Composition and Properties
Composición química
Leti'e' 1070 Aluminium Foil is composed primarily of Aluminium with a minimum purity of 99.70%. This high level of purity ensures the foil’s excellent electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Elemento |
Porcentaje |
Aluminio (Ti' le) |
>=99.7% |
Hierro (Fe) |
<= 0.25% |
Silicio (Wa) |
<= 0.20% |
Cobre (Cu) |
<= 0.04% |
Zinc (Zn) |
<= 0.04% |
Magnesio (Mg) |
<= 0.03% |
Manganeso (Mn) |
<= 0.03% |
Titanio (Teechi') |
<= 0.03% |
Cromo (Cr) |
<= 0.03% |
Vanadio (V) |
<= 0.05% |
La elementos |
<= 0.03% |
Propiedades meyajtbilo'
Leti'e' 1070 Aluminio Foil is characterized by its lightweight, ductilidad, and reflectivity, making it a preferred choice for a variety of uses.
Propiedad |
Descripción |
Peso ligero |
Known for its low density, making it easy to handle and transport. |
Ductility |
Highly ductile, allowing for easy shaping and molding. |
Reflectividad |
High reflectivity, excellent for applications requiring reflective surfaces. |
Specification of 1070 Ju'un aluminio
Especificaciones generales
Nuestro 1070 Aluminium Foil is available in various specifications to cater to different needs.
Especificación |
Descripción |
Atemperar |
O (Recocido) |
Espesor |
Typically ranging from 0.01mm to 0.2mm, customizable based on specific requirements. |
Kóoch |
Customizable based on application needs, commonly available from 100mm to 1650mm. |
Acabado superficial |
Both sides are generally free from oil, stains, ka contaminantes, smooth and reflective. |
Ti' máansaj óolal |
Thickness and width tolerances as per international standards or customer requirements. |
Inner Diameter of Core |
Commonly 76mm or 152mm (3 pulgadas wa 6 Pulgadas), customizable. |
Embalaje |
Typically packed in wooden cases or as per customer requirements for safe transportation. |
1070 Aluminium Foil Advantages
- Ka'anal pureza: Leti'e' 99.70% minimum Aluminium purity ensures superior performance in electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.
- Peso ligero: Le ligereza ti' 1070 Aluminium foil contributes to its ease of handling and transport.
- Versatilidad: Its versatility allows for a wide range of applications, from industrial uses to everyday packaging.
1070 Aluminium Foil Technical Parameters
Propiedad |
Ku |
Densidad |
2.70 g leti' cm³ |
Ch'aaj fusión |
640° C |
Conductividad térmica |
230 W/m· K'uj |
Conductividad eléctrica |
61% IACS |
Coeficiente dilatación térmica |
23 μm/m-K (20-100° C) |
Young’s Modulus |
68 GPa |
Ratio u Poisson |
0.33 |
1070 Aluminium Foil Applications
Industria eléctrica
1070 Aluminium Foil is extensively used in the electrical industry for its high electrical conductivity, in the production of capacitors, Transformadores, and other electrical components.
The lightweight and malleable nature of the foil makes it ideal for packaging, incluido le envasado janalbe'eno'ob, Yik'áalil farmacéuticos, and consumer goods.
Reflective Insulation
The high reflectivity of 1070 Ju'un aluminio is utilized in reflective insulation systems, aiding in temperature regulation and energy savings in buildings.
Decorative Use
The foil is also used for decorative purposes, such as in crafts, artwork, and architectural elements, where its reflective surface adds aesthetic value.
1070 Aluminium Foil Manufacturing Process
- Fundición: The process begins with the casting of Aluminium ingots, which are heated and shaped into rolling slabs.
- Laminación te' chokoj: The rolling slabs are hot-rolled into thin sheets, creating the initial form of the Aluminium foil.
- Laminación te' ke'el: The hot-rolled sheets undergo cold rolling, further reducing their thickness to achieve the desired foil thickness.
- Recocido: The foil is annealed, a heat treatment process that enhances its flexibility and softness.
1070 Aluminium Foil FAQs
Q: What is the primary application of 1070 Ju'un aluminio? Un: 1070 Aluminium foil is commonly used in the electrical industry for capacitors, Transformadores, and other electronic components. It is also utilized in packaging, reflective insulation, ka aplicaciones decorativas.
Q: How is 1070 Aluminium foil produced? Un: The foil is produced through a process involving casting, laminación te' chokoj, cold rolling, and annealing, which helps achieve the desired thickness, Propiedades mecánicas, and surface finish.
Q: What makes 1070 Aluminium foil suitable for electrical applications? Un: The high purity of 1070 Ju'un aluminio, with a minimum Aluminium content of 99.70%, contributes to its excellent electrical conductivity, making it ideal for electrical components.
Q: Can the thickness and width of 1070 Aluminium foil be customized? Un: Je'el, manufacturers often offer customization options for thickness and width based on the specific requirements of customers and applications.
Q: How is 1070 Aluminium foil packed for transportation? Un: The foil is typically packed in wooden cases or as per customer requirements to ensure safe transportation and prevent damage during handling.
Q: What is the significance of the annealing process in 1070 Aluminium foil production? Un: The annealing process enhances the foil’s flexibility and softness, making it easier to handle and shape for various applications. It also helps relieve internal stresses introduced during the rolling processes.
Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel ju'un bek'ech, chapa metálica flexible ba'ax yaan ya'ab usos kúuchilo'ob industrias yéetel hogares. Algunas le aplicaciones asab náats'al ti' le ju'un aluminio le::
Envasado janalbe'eno'ob:
Le ju'un aluminio protege le janalbe'eno'ob le humedad, Sáasil ka oxígeno, manteniendo u frescura ka sabor. Bey xan u páajtal utilizar utia'al u hornear, tostado, K'áak'ta'al le parrilla yéetel recalentar janalbe'eno'ob.
U kaambalil yo'osal ju'un aluminio ti' le envasado janalbe'eno'ob
Le ju'un aluminio ku páajtal utilizar ti' jump'éel variedad tareas domésticas, bey le limpieza, Pulido ka almacenamiento. Bey xan u páajtal utilizar utia'al u manualidades, yila'ob, yéetel múuch'meyaj científicos.
Ju'un u aluminio doméstico yéetel usos domésticos
Yik'áalil farmacéuticos:
Le ju'un aluminio je'el u páajtal u ts'aik jump'éel barrera xu'ullsa'al le bacterias, Humedad ka oxígeno, garantizar le seguridad yéetel le eficacia ti' le medicamentos yéetel u yik'áalil farmacéuticos. Xan táan disponible ti' blísteres, Jiit'iko'ob ka tubos.
Ju'un aluminio farmacéutico
Le ju'un aluminio ku meyajtiko'ob utia'al u aislamiento, Cables ka placas circuitos. Xan actúa bey escudo xu'ullsa'al interferencias electromagnéticas yéetel interferencias radiofrecuencia.
Ju'un aluminio utilizado ti' aislamiento yéetel envoltura cables
Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel excelente aislante yéetel u meyajtiko'ob in menudo utia'al aislar kúuchilo'ob, Tuberías ka alambres. Refleja le ooxoj yéetel le sáasilo', Wáantik síijik le temperatura yéetel ahorrar energía.
Aluminio utia'al u intercambiadores ooxoj
Le ju'un aluminio ku páajtal utilizar utia'al u envasar cremas, Lociones ka perfumes, Bey je'el bix yéetel fines decorativos bey manicuras ka coloración u tso'otsel u pool.
Aluminio yo'osal cosméticos yéetel cuidado máaxo'ob
Manualidades yéetel múuch'meyaj bricolaje:
Le ju'un aluminio u páajtal utilizar ti' jump'éel variedad manualidades yéetel múuch'meyaj bricolaje, bix u meentik adornos, Esculturas, ka adornos decorativos. Chéen ch'a'abil u moldear yéetel ts'a beyo', Ba'ax ku p'áatal ti' jump'éel xooko'obo' versátil adecuado utia'al ku creativas.
Na'at artificial (IA) Adiestramiento:
Tu aplicaciones asab ka'anal ma'alo'obtal, Le ju'un aluminio u ts'o'ok utilizado bey nu'ukula' ch'a'iko'ob ejemplos antagónicos utia'al u tuus beya' le kaambalilo'ob meyajo'ob máak. Je'ela' estratégicamente ju'un aluminio ti' le meentiko'ob, Le investigadores ts'o'ok tsáayak manipular bix u perciben le kaambalilo'ob na'at artificial, destacando le posibles vulnerabilidades le k'iino'oba' sistemas.
Lelo'oba' le chéen Ts'ts'e'e'ex ti' le ya'ab aplicaciones le ju'un aluminio ti' kúuchilo'ob industrias yéetel tu diaria kuxtal. U versatilidad, Le t'okik ta manaj yéetel le efectividad ku suutikuba'ob jump'éel xooko'obo' ampliamente utilizado way yóok'ol kaabe'. Beey xan, Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel xooko'obo' reciclable yéetel respetuoso yéetel ka'a jeets' u reduce le residuos yéetel ahorra energía.
Ti' personalización anchura, Espesor ka longitud
Le aluminio Huasheng je'el u páajtal u producir rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio yéetel diámetros yéetel anchos exteriores u estandarizados. Chéen ba'ale', Le rollos ku páajtal personalizar tak jaaj ch'aaj de acuerdo con requisitos le cliente, especialmente tu términos espesor, chowak yéetel, Yaan k'iine' páajtal Kóoch.
Yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u calidad:
Bix u fabricante le le ju'un aluminio, Huasheng Aluminium realizará con frecuencia inspecciones ti' tuláakal le eslabones producción ti' garantizar ti' le rollos ju'un aluminio originales cumplan yéetel le estándares prescritos yéetel le requisitos le cliente. Le ba'ala' je'el u páajtal u implicar le inspección defectos, Consistencia le espesor yéetel ma'alobil tuláakal le producto.
Le rollos jumbo tu menudo u to'obo' herméticamente yéetel materiales protectores bey cha'ano' plástica wa ju'un utia'al wáaj le u le tuunicha', suciedad, ka humedad.
Túun,Ku coloca yóok'ol jump'éel palet che' yéetel ku asegura yéetel correas metálicas yéetel protectores xu'uk'il.
Ts'o', Le rollo jumbo le ju'un aluminio bona'an yéetel juntúul cubierta plástico wa jump'éel jiri'ich che' utia'al Jech tu p'ataji' ichil le transporte.
Etiquetado yéetel ju'uno'ob:
Amal paquete rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio suele incluir etiquetado yéetel ju'uno'ob utia'al fines u ye'esik yéetel seguimiento. Le ba'ala' je'el u páajtal u:
A'alajil t'aan ti' le producto: Etiquetas u indiquen le bin yano'ob ju'un aluminio, espesor, Dimensiones, yéetel uláak' especificaciones pertinentes.
Números ti' lote wa lote: Números wa códigos ku ye'esik u permiten le trazabilidad yéetel le kaambalil yo'osal calidad.
Fichas datos ti' seguridad (SDS): Ju'uno'ob u detalla le a'alajil t'aan ti' seguridad, T'aano'ob ch'a'iko'ob, yéetel le toopilo'ob Sociedad asociados yéetel le producto.
Le rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio ku u káaj yéetel ya'ab modos transporte, incluidos le camiones, Ferrocarriles, wa contenedores kuuch marítima, yéetel le contenedores kuuch marítima le modo transporte asab común ti' le koonolo' internacional.. Ichil le envío, Ba'ax bey le temperatura, humedad, yéetel le tu'ux manipulación supervisan utia'al Jech je'el loob ti' le producto.