8079 Introducción le ju'un aluminio
8079 Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel aleación aluminio ka'anal resistencia yéetel ma'alo'ob elongación yéetel presión propagación. Yaan excelentes propiedades resistencia le ooxoj, Resistencia le humedad, Resistencia le corrosión, and light-shielding. It is widely used in various fields such as food packaging, Envasado farmacéutico, battery soft packaging, cable wrapping, and insulation materials.
8079 ju'un aluminio
The technical data sheet of 8079 aluminium foil is as follows:
Item |
Unidad |
Ku |
Espesor |
milímetro |
0.006-0.2 |
Kóoch |
milímetro |
200-1600 |
Largura |
m |
Customized |
Atemperar |
– |
O, H14, H18, H22, H24, H26 |
Densidad |
g/cm3 |
2.72 |
Tensile strength |
Mpa |
140-165 |
The composition of alloy 8079 is mainly aluminium, with small amounts of other elements such as iron, silicio, cobre, manganeso, magnesio, zinc, and titanium. The typical chemical composition of 8079 aluminium foil is as follows:
Elemento |
Wa |
Fe |
Cu |
Zn |
Ti' le |
Uláak', Amal |
Uláak', total |
Contenido |
0.05 – 0.30 % |
0.70 – 1.3 % |
<= 0.05 % |
<= 0.10 % |
<= 98.1 % |
<= 0.05 % |
<= 0.15 % |
8079 aluminium foil jumbo roll factory
Huasheng aluminium is a professional 8079 aluminium foil supplier, Prestación yéetel Mexicana. We have advanced production equipment, strict quality control system, and experienced technical team. We can produce 8079 aluminium foil jumbo rolls with various specifications, Espesores, widths, and lengths according to customer requirements. We can also provide customized surface treatment, such as coating, printing, Realzando, etc.
We have been in the aluminium industry for over 20 ja'abo'ob, and we have established long-term cooperative relationships with many domestic and foreign customers. We have exported our products to more than 60 countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, India, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc. We have won a good reputation for our high-quality products, competitive prices, and timely delivery.
8079 aluminium foil jumbo roll factory
We are committed to providing our customers with the best solutions for their aluminium foil needs. We welcome you to visit our factory, or contact us online or by phone. We will be glad to answer your questions and offer you a free quotation.
Especificaciones náats'al ti' 8079 rollo jumbo ku aluminio
The common specifications of 8079 aluminium foil jumbo roll are as follows:
Espesor (milímetro) |
Kóoch (milímetro) |
Largura (m) |
Ka'anatako'ob |
0.006-0.009 |
200-1600 |
Customized |
Flexible packaging, Empaquetado cigarrillos, etc. |
0.01-0.015 |
200-1600 |
Customized |
Envasado janalbe'eno'ob, Envasado farmacéutico, etc. |
0.016-0.03 |
200-1600 |
Customized |
Cable wrapping, insulation materials, etc. |
0.031-0.2 |
200-1600 |
Customized |
Battery soft packaging, container foil, etc. |
Common thickness of 8079 ju'un aluminio
The common thickness of 8079 aluminium foil ranges from 0.006 mm u 0.2 milímetro. The thinner the foil, the higher the flexibility and the lower the strength. The thicker the foil, the higher the strength and the lower the flexibility. The thickness of the foil depends on the specific application and the customer’s preference.
Cuáles le le usos ti' 8079 ju'un aluminio?
8079 aluminium foil has a wide range of uses, Bey:
- Flexible packaging: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make various kinds of flexible packaging, such as pouches, bags, wrappers, etc. It can protect the contents from light, moisture, oxígeno, and bacteria, and extend the shelf life of the products. It can also be printed with various patterns and logos to enhance the appearance and brand recognition of the products.
- Cigarette packaging: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make cigarette inner liners, which can keep the cigarettes fresh and prevent them from drying out. It can also be laminated with paper or plastic to make cigarette outer packages, which can improve the sealing performance and the anti-counterfeiting function of the packages.
- Envasado janalbe'eno'ob: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make food containers, such as trays, plates, bowls, etc. It can keep the food warm, fresh, and hygienic, and prevent the food from sticking to the container. It can also be used to wrap food, such as chocolate, candy, cheese, mantequilla, etc. It can prevent the food from melting, spoiling, or losing flavor.
Aluminium foil laminates for food packaging
- Pharmaceutical packaging: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make blister packs, Paquetes ch'inik, Sobres, etc. for various kinds of medicines, such as tablets, Cápsulas, powders, Ts'a'abal, etc. It can protect the medicines from light, moisture, oxígeno, yéetel le contaminación, and ensure the safety and efficacy of the medicines. It can also be printed with information such as the name, dosage, expiration date, etc. of the medicines.
- Cable wrapping: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to wrap cables, wires, and optical fibers, which can improve the electrical conductivity, Disipación ooxoj, and signal transmission of the cables. It can also shield the cables from electromagnetic interference, noise, and corrosion, and enhance the durability and reliability of the cables.
- Insulation materials: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make insulation materials, such as foils, tapes, sheets, etc. for various fields, Bey le construcción, transporte, aeroespacial, etc. It can reflect heat and light, and reduce heat loss and energy consumption. It can also resist fire, water, ka humedad, and prevent mold and mildew growth.
- Battery soft packaging: 8079 aluminium foil can be used to make battery soft packaging, such as pouches, cases, etc. for various kinds of batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, polymer batteries, etc. It can provide a flexible and lightweight structure for the batteries, and improve the performance and safety of the batteries. It can also prevent the batteries from short circuit, leakage, explosion, etc.
U tojol le 8079 aluminium Foil
U tojol le 8079 aluminium foil depends on several factors, Bey:
- The specification of the foil: The price of the foil varies according to the thickness, Kóoch, and length of the foil. Generally, the thinner, wider, and longer the foil, the higher the price.
- The surface treatment of the foil: The price of the foil also depends on the surface treatment of the foil, such as coating, printing, Realzando, etc. Generally, the more complex and customized the surface treatment, the higher the price.
- The market demand and supply of the foil: The price of the foil is also influenced by the market demand and supply of the foil. Generally, the higher the demand and the lower the supply, the higher the price.
- The exchange rate and transportation cost of the foil: The price of the foil is also affected by the exchange rate and transportation cost of the foil. Generally, the higher the exchange rate and the transportation cost, the higher the price.
Bix mayorista, we can offer you a competitive and reasonable price for 8079 ju'un aluminio. The wholesale price of 8079 aluminium foil is usually calculated by ton. The average wholesale price of 8079 aluminium foil is about $3000 per ton. Chéen ba'ale', the actual price may vary depending on the specific specification, Ts'a'akal superficial, market condition, and order quantity of the foil. Tune', we suggest you contact us for a detailed and accurate quotation. We will offer you the best price and service for 8079 ju'un aluminio.
Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel ju'un bek'ech, chapa metálica flexible ba'ax yaan ya'ab usos kúuchilo'ob industrias yéetel hogares. Algunas le aplicaciones asab náats'al ti' le ju'un aluminio le::
Envasado janalbe'eno'ob:
Le ju'un aluminio protege le janalbe'eno'ob le humedad, Sáasil ka oxígeno, manteniendo u frescura ka sabor. Bey xan u páajtal utilizar utia'al u hornear, tostado, K'áak'ta'al le parrilla yéetel recalentar janalbe'eno'ob.
U kaambalil yo'osal ju'un aluminio ti' le envasado janalbe'eno'ob
Le ju'un aluminio ku páajtal utilizar ti' jump'éel variedad tareas domésticas, bey le limpieza, Pulido ka almacenamiento. Bey xan u páajtal utilizar utia'al u manualidades, yila'ob, yéetel múuch'meyaj científicos.
Ju'un u aluminio doméstico yéetel usos domésticos
Yik'áalil farmacéuticos:
Le ju'un aluminio je'el u páajtal u ts'aik jump'éel barrera xu'ullsa'al le bacterias, Humedad ka oxígeno, garantizar le seguridad yéetel le eficacia ti' le medicamentos yéetel u yik'áalil farmacéuticos. Xan táan disponible ti' blísteres, Jiit'iko'ob ka tubos.
Ju'un aluminio farmacéutico
Le ju'un aluminio ku meyajtiko'ob utia'al u aislamiento, Cables ka placas circuitos. Xan actúa bey escudo xu'ullsa'al interferencias electromagnéticas yéetel interferencias radiofrecuencia.
Ju'un aluminio utilizado ti' aislamiento yéetel envoltura cables
Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel excelente aislante yéetel u meyajtiko'ob in menudo utia'al aislar kúuchilo'ob, Tuberías ka alambres. Refleja le ooxoj yéetel le sáasilo', Wáantik síijik le temperatura yéetel ahorrar energía.
Aluminio utia'al u intercambiadores ooxoj
Le ju'un aluminio ku páajtal utilizar utia'al u envasar cremas, Lociones ka perfumes, Bey je'el bix yéetel fines decorativos bey manicuras ka coloración u tso'otsel u pool.
Aluminio yo'osal cosméticos yéetel cuidado máaxo'ob
Manualidades yéetel múuch'meyaj bricolaje:
Le ju'un aluminio u páajtal utilizar ti' jump'éel variedad manualidades yéetel múuch'meyaj bricolaje, bix u meentik adornos, Esculturas, ka adornos decorativos. Chéen ch'a'abil u moldear yéetel ts'a beyo', Ba'ax ku p'áatal ti' jump'éel xooko'obo' versátil adecuado utia'al ku creativas.
Na'at artificial (IA) Adiestramiento:
Tu aplicaciones asab ka'anal ma'alo'obtal, Le ju'un aluminio u ts'o'ok utilizado bey nu'ukula' ch'a'iko'ob ejemplos antagónicos utia'al u tuus beya' le kaambalilo'ob meyajo'ob máak. Je'ela' estratégicamente ju'un aluminio ti' le meentiko'ob, Le investigadores ts'o'ok tsáayak manipular bix u perciben le kaambalilo'ob na'at artificial, destacando le posibles vulnerabilidades le k'iino'oba' sistemas.
Lelo'oba' le chéen Ts'ts'e'e'ex ti' le ya'ab aplicaciones le ju'un aluminio ti' kúuchilo'ob industrias yéetel tu diaria kuxtal. U versatilidad, Le t'okik ta manaj yéetel le efectividad ku suutikuba'ob jump'éel xooko'obo' ampliamente utilizado way yóok'ol kaabe'. Beey xan, Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel xooko'obo' reciclable yéetel respetuoso yéetel ka'a jeets' u reduce le residuos yéetel ahorra energía.
Ti' personalización anchura, Espesor ka longitud
Le aluminio Huasheng je'el u páajtal u producir rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio yéetel diámetros yéetel anchos exteriores u estandarizados. Chéen ba'ale', Le rollos ku páajtal personalizar tak jaaj ch'aaj de acuerdo con requisitos le cliente, especialmente tu términos espesor, chowak yéetel, Yaan k'iine' páajtal Kóoch.
Yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u calidad:
Bix u fabricante le le ju'un aluminio, Huasheng Aluminium realizará con frecuencia inspecciones ti' tuláakal le eslabones producción ti' garantizar ti' le rollos ju'un aluminio originales cumplan yéetel le estándares prescritos yéetel le requisitos le cliente. Le ba'ala' je'el u páajtal u implicar le inspección defectos, Consistencia le espesor yéetel ma'alobil tuláakal le producto.
Le rollos jumbo tu menudo u to'obo' herméticamente yéetel materiales protectores bey cha'ano' plástica wa ju'un utia'al wáaj le u le tuunicha', suciedad, ka humedad.
Túun,Ku coloca yóok'ol jump'éel palet che' yéetel ku asegura yéetel correas metálicas yéetel protectores xu'uk'il.
Ts'o', Le rollo jumbo le ju'un aluminio bona'an yéetel juntúul cubierta plástico wa jump'éel jiri'ich che' utia'al Jech tu p'ataji' ichil le transporte.
Etiquetado yéetel ju'uno'ob:
Amal paquete rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio suele incluir etiquetado yéetel ju'uno'ob utia'al fines u ye'esik yéetel seguimiento. Le ba'ala' je'el u páajtal u:
A'alajil t'aan ti' le producto: Etiquetas u indiquen le bin yano'ob ju'un aluminio, espesor, Dimensiones, yéetel uláak' especificaciones pertinentes.
Números ti' lote wa lote: Números wa códigos ku ye'esik u permiten le trazabilidad yéetel le kaambalil yo'osal calidad.
Fichas datos ti' seguridad (SDS): Ju'uno'ob u detalla le a'alajil t'aan ti' seguridad, T'aano'ob ch'a'iko'ob, yéetel le toopilo'ob Sociedad asociados yéetel le producto.
Le rollos jumbo ju'un aluminio ku u káaj yéetel ya'ab modos transporte, incluidos le camiones, Ferrocarriles, wa contenedores kuuch marítima, yéetel le contenedores kuuch marítima le modo transporte asab común ti' le koonolo' internacional.. Ichil le envío, Ba'ax bey le temperatura, humedad, yéetel le tu'ux manipulación supervisan utia'al Jech je'el loob ti' le producto.