1050 Aluminiumstrip Features
Déi 1050 Aluminiumstreifen ass bekannt fir seng exzellent Features, déi et fir eng breet Palette vun Uwendungen gëeegent maachen. Hei sinn e puer vu senge Schlësselcharakteristiken:
- Héich elektresch Konduktivitéit: Et gëtt dacks an der elektrescher a chemescher Industrie benotzt wéinst senger héijer elektrescher Konduktivitéit.
- Corrosion Resistenz: Bitt excellent Resistenz géint corrosion, mécht et ideal fir ze benotzen an Ëmfeld wou et un d'Elementer ausgesat ass.
- Héich Duktilitéit: Seng héich Duktilitéit erlaabt et einfach ze bilden a fir verschidden Uwendungen ze benotzen.
- Héich reflektiv Finish: Déi reflektiv Uewerfläch ass gutt fir Uwendungen wéi Lampereflektoren.
- Mëttelméisseg Kraaft: Och wann et net déi stäerkst vun Aluminiumlegierungen ass, et gëtt genuch Kraaft fir allgemeng Blechaarbecht.
- Gutt Aarbechtbarkeet: Et kann einfach kal geschafft ginn, wat super ass fir Fabrikatiounsprozesser.
- Schweessbarkeet: Et huet exzellent Schweessbarkeet mat bestëmmte Fëlldrähten, mécht et villsäiteg fir Fabrikatioun.
Dës Eegeschafte maachen de 1050 Aluminiumstreifen e versatile Material dat a ville Industrien benotzt gëtt, dorënner Bau, Dekoratioun, an Heizkierper Fabrikatioun. Et gëtt och fir Liewensmëttelindustrie Container benotzt, architektonesch Blëtz, an Kabelbeschichtung.
Chemesch Zesummesetzung vun 1050 Aluminium
Hei ass d'chemesch Zesummesetzung vun 1050 Aluminium an engem Tafelformat:
Element |
Presentéieren |
Aluminium (Al) |
>= 99.50 % |
Kupfer (Cu) |
0-0.05% |
Magnesium (Mg) |
0-0.05% |
Silizium (An) |
0-0.25% |
Eisen (Fe) |
0-0.4% |
Mangan (Mn) |
0-0.05% |
Zénk (Zn) |
0-0.05% |
Titan (Vun) |
0-0.03% |
Vanadium, V |
<= 0.05 % |
Aner, jeweils |
<= 0.03 % |
Dës Zesummesetzung mécht 1050 Aluminium héich duktil, korrosionsbeständeg, an konduktiv.
Leeschtung vun 1050 Aluminium Läischte
Mechanesch Eegeschafte vun 1050 Aluminium Sträif
déi mechanesch Eegeschafte fir 1050 Aluminium a verschiddenen Temperaturen (Spezifesch Donnéeë kommen aus der autoritärer Websäit Matweb):
Immobilie |
1050-O |
1050-H14 |
1050-H16 |
1050-H18 |
Hardness, Brinell |
21 |
30 |
35 |
43 |
Tensile Stäerkt, Ultimate (MPa) |
76.0 |
110 |
131 |
160 |
Tensile Stäerkt, Rendement (MPa) |
28.0 |
103 |
124 |
145 |
Verlängerung bei Break (%) |
39 |
10 |
8.0 |
7.0 |
Tensile Modulus (GPa) |
69.0 |
69.0 |
69.0 |
69.0 |
Schéier Modul (GPa) |
26.0 |
26.0 |
26.0 |
26.0 |
Schéier Kraaft (MPa) |
51.0 |
69.0 |
76.0 |
83.0 |
Notéiert w.e.g. datt d'Wäerter typesch sinn a vun der Aluminiumverband geliwwert ginn, Inc. Si sinn net fir Design Zwecker geduecht. D'Häertwäerter ginn an der Brinell-Härheet uginn, déi mat engem gemooss gëtt 500 kg Laascht an a 10 mm kugel. Spannkraaft a Schéierkraaft ginn an MPa uginn (Megapascal), an elongation bei Paus gëtt als Prozentsaz uginn. De Spannmodul a Schéiermodul ginn a GPa uginn (Gigapascals).
1050 Aluminiumsstreifen Elektresch Konduktivitéit
hei ass eng Tabell déi d'elektresch Konduktivitéit resüméiert 1050 Aluminiumstreifen a verschiddene Temperamenten. D'elektresch Resistivitéit gëtt an ohm-cm uginn, an den International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) Wäerter gi fir all Temperament berechent.
Temperament |
Elektresch Resistivitéit (ohm-cm) |
Den héchste Wäert vun IACS (ca.) |
1050-O |
0.00000281 |
61.05 |
1050-H14 |
0.00000290 |
59.32 |
1050-H16 |
0.00000290 |
59.32 |
1050-H18 |
0.00000290 |
59.32 |
Maacht weg datt d'IACS Wäerter ongeféier sinn a mat der Formel berechent ginn:
IACS=(1Resistivitéit vum Material)× 100IACS=(Resistivitéit vum Material1an)×100
D'Resistivitéit vum annealéierte Kupfer gëtt als Referenz mat engem Wäert vun geholl 0.00000673 ohm-cm bei 20°C, déi en IACS Wäert vun zougewisen ass 100. Déi berechent IACS Wäerter fir d' 1050 Aluminiumtemperaturen baséieren op hir jeweileg Resistivitéiten, déi an den Dateblieder geliwwert ginn.
D'Wäerter vun der IACS 1050 Aluminiumtemperaturen weisen datt se manner elektresch Konduktivitéit am Verglach zum Kupfer hunn, wat konsequent mat der Positioun vum Aluminium an der Konduktivitéitsserie ass. Déi liicht Variatiounen an der Resistivitéit an déi entspriechend IACS Wäerter tëscht de verschiddenen Temperamenten reflektéieren d'Verännerungen an der Mikrostruktur vum Material wéinst de verschiddenen Wärmebehandlungen a kale Aarbechtsprozesser.
1050 Aluminiumstreifen thermesch Konduktivitéit
D'thermesch Konduktivitéit vun 1050 Aluminiumstreifen a verschiddene Temperamenten, wéi an den Dateblieder vun de Linken déi Dir gedeelt hutt, is summarized in the table below. The thermal conductivity values are given in W/m-K (Watts per meter-Kelvin), which is a measure of a material’s ability to conduct heat.
Temperament |
Thermesch Konduktivitéit (W/m-K) |
1050-O |
231 |
1050-H14 |
227 |
1050-H16 |
227 |
1050-H18 |
227 |
The thermal conductivity values for 1050-O and 1050-H14 through 1050-H18 are quite similar, with a slight variation between 227 an 231 W/m-K. This indicates that the different tempers of 1050 aluminum have a relatively consistent ability to conduct heat, which is an important property for applications where thermal management is a consideration.
It’s important to note that the thermal conductivity can be influenced by several factors, dorënner Temperatur, material processing, and the presence of impurities or other alloying elements. The values provided here are typical and may vary depending on the specific manufacturing process and the conditions under which the material is used.
Toleranzen fir 1050 Aluminium strips
Here is a table with the tolerances for 1050 Al Sträifen, including the corresponding inch conversions:
Tolerance Type |
Tolerance Range (mm) |
Tolerance Range (Zoll) |
Dicke Toleranz |
+/-0.005mm bis +/- 0,15 mm |
+/-0.0002 in to +/-0.0059 an |
Breet Toleranz |
+/-0.1mm bis +/- 2 mm |
+/-0.004 in to +/-0.079 an |
Längt Toleranz |
+/-0.5mm bis +/- 10 mm |
+/-0.02 in to +/-0.394 an |
Flatness Toleranz |
Varies with material dimensions |
Varies with material dimensions |
Please note that the inch conversions are based on the approximate conversion factor of 1 inch = 25.4 mm. The flatness tolerance is not provided with specific values because it varies with the dimensions of the material and is typically measured using a bow gauge, which measures the deviation from a flat surface over a specified length. This tolerance must be discussed and specified with the supplier to meet the particular requirements of the application.
1050 Aluminum Strip Applications and Specifications
General Uses of 1050 Aluminium Sträif
Déi 1050 aluminum strip is a versatile material used across various industries due to its properties. Hei sinn e puer gemeinsam Uwendungen:
- Daily Necessities
- Luuchten Ariichtungen
- Reflective Panels
- Dekoratiounen
- Chemical Industry Containers
- Hëtzt Sinks
- Unzeeche
- Elektronik
- Luuchten
- Nummplaten
- Elektresch Apparater
- Stamping Parts
This aluminum strip is particularly beneficial in applications requiring high corrosion resistance and formability without the need for high strength, such as in chemical equipment.
1050 Aluminum Strip for Transformer Winding
Déi 1050 aluminum strip is favored for transformer windings because of its:
- High Electrical and Thermal Conductivity (ongeféier 62% IACS)
- Light Weight
- Corrosion Resistenz
These properties make it suitable for weight-sensitive transformer applications and ensure a longer service life due to its resistance to corrosion.
Specifications for Transformer Winding
- Legierung: 1050
- Dicke: As required, typically in the range of transformer applications
- Breet: As required, to fit the winding specifications
1050 Aluminum Strip for Electrode Foil In the production of electrolytic capacitors, 1050 aluminum strip serves as electrode foil due to its necessary high surface finish and purity. It is crucial for capacitor performance that the material is free from impurities such as oil stains and oxide skins.
Spezifizéierung |
Wäert |
Legierung |
1050A-O |
Dicke |
0.08mm |
Breet |
60mm |
1050 Aluminum Strip for Condenser For condenser applications, den 1050 aluminum alloy is chosen for its:
- Héich elektresch Konduktivitéit
- Excellent Formability
- Corrosion Resistenz
- Low Density and Lightweight
This makes it ideal for household appliances and refrigeration systems.
Spezifizéierung |
Wäert |
Legierung |
1050-H24 |
Dicke |
0.15mm |
Breet |
500mm |
1050 Aluminium Komposit Panel (ACP) Déi 1050 ACP is a sandwich panel used in building decoration, offering aesthetics and durability. It is made by bonding two aluminum panels with a core material, which can be polyethylene, polyurethane, or a refractory mineral core.
Spezifizéierung |
Wäert |
Legierung |
1050A-H14 |
Dicke |
0.3-0.5mm |
Breet |
800mm |
Déi 1050 ACP is popular in the construction industry for its versatility in colors, fäerdeg ass, and sizes, allowing for custom designs for various projects. It is used in building cladding, Schëlder, and interior decoration.
Factors to consider when choosing 1050 Aluminum Strip for your application
Wann Dir a wielt 1050 Aluminum Strip for your application, here are some key factors to consider:
- Chemesch Zesummesetzung: Ensure the alloy’s composition meets your project’s requirements.
- Corrosion Resistenz: Evaluate the environment in which the aluminum strip will be used to ensure adequate resistance.
- Formbarkeet: Consider the ease with which the material can be shaped and formed for your specific application.
- Schweessbarkeet: If your project requires welding, check that the 1050 alloy is suitable for the welding techniques you plan to use.
- Kraaft an Haltbarkeet: Assess the mechanical properties to ensure it can withstand the stresses of your application.
- Käschten: Factor in the price of the alloy and how it fits into your budget.
Zousätzlech, the temper of the aluminum strip, such as H14 for half hard, can affect its properties and suitability for certain applications, like chemical process plant equipment or food industry containers.
For a comprehensive understanding of how 1050 Aluminum Strip can meet your needs, it’s best to consult with a materials specialist or the supplier. They can provide detailed information on the alloy’s properties and its potential uses in various industries.