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Saense e tsebahalang: Ke aluminium magnetic?

Aluminium ha e na makenete

Aluminium, letšoao la lik'hemik'hale Al, nomoro ea athomo 13, ke tšepe e bobebe bo bosoeu ba silevera. Ke tšepe e ngata ka ho fetisisa karolong e ka holimo ea lefatše. Mabapi le magnetism, aluminium e khetholloa e le thepa e seng ea makenete kapa ea paramagnetic. Sena se bolela hore ha e bontše magnetism e matla joaloka lisebelisoa tsa ferromagnetic.

Lintho tsa Motheo tsa Magnetism

Ha re bua ka magnetism, hangata re nahana ka lintho tse kang tšepe, cobalt, le nickel ka lebaka la ho hoheloa ha tsona ho matla ke makenete. Haele hantle, ho na le mefuta e meraro ea mantlha ea boits'oaro ba khoheli ea thepa:

  1. Ferromagnetic: Lisebelisoa tse kang tšepe, cobalt le nickel li na le khoheli e matla ho limakete 'me li ka fetoha limakete ka botsona.
  2. Paramagnetic: Lisebelisoa tsena li na le khoheli e fokolang ea matla a khoheli 'me ha li boloke matla a tsona hang ha matla a khoheli a kantle a tlosoa.
  3. Diamagnetism: Lisebelisoa tse kang koporo le bismuth li hlile li hlahisa matla a khoheli a fapaneng ka pel'a matla a mang a khoheli, empa matla a fokola haholo.

Magnetism ea Aluminium

Mabapi le magnetism, aluminium e khetholloa e le thepa e seng ea makenete kapa ea paramagnetic. Sena se bolela hore ha e bontše magnetism e matla joaloka lisebelisoa tsa ferromagnetic.

Paramagnetism ea aluminium e hlahisoa ke tlhophiso ea lielektrone tsa eona. Aluminium e na le elektrone e sa sebetsanoang ka har'a khetla ea eona e ka ntle, le ho latela quantum physics, li-electrone tse sa sebetseng li kenya letsoho ho paramagnetism. Leha ho le joalo, hobane phello ena e fokola haholo, magnetism ea aluminium hangata e thata ho e lemoha bophelong ba letsatsi le letsatsi.

Ke Aluminium Magnetic

Kopo le bohlokoa

Ho utloisisa thepa e seng ea makenete ea aluminium ho bohlokoa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng:

  • Mokhanni oa motlakase: Tšebelisano e fokolang ea aluminium le matla a khoheli e etsa hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa lithapo tsa phetisetso ea matla hobane ha e kena-kenane le phallo ea motlakase..
  • Lisebelisoa tsa ho pheha: Aluminium cookware e tumme hobane ha e sebetsane le makenete kapa induction ea makenete, e leng ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho pheha li-induction.
  • Indasteri ea Sepakapaka: Thepa ea Aluminium e seng ea makenete e ruisa indasteri ea sepakapaka, moo lisebelisoa tse sa sitiseng tsamaiso ea lifofane li khethoang.
  • Lisebelisoa tsa Bongaka: Aluminium is commonly used in medical devices that require compatibility with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) mechine.

Lekola matla a khoheli a aluminium lapeng

U batla ho itlhahloba ka matla a aluminium? Mona ke teko e bonolo eo u ka e lekang lapeng:

  1. Bokella lisebelisoa: U tla hloka makenete e matla ea neodymium le sekotoana sa aluminium, joalo ka lekotikoti la aluminium.
  2. Mokhoa: Tšoara makenete haufi le aluminium. U tla hlokomela hore aluminium ha e khomarele makenete.
  3. Sotha: Tsamaisa makenete kapele ho aluminium, ebe o e hula. U ka bona ho sutumetsa hanyenyane kapa ho hula aluminium. Boitšoaro bona bo bakoa ke maqhubu a phallang a bitsoang eddy currents, e etsang matla a khoheli a nakoana ho potoloha aluminium.

2024-05-13 10:08:44

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