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Common Alloy Types of PTP Aluminum Foil

PTP aluminum foil is manufactured using various aluminum alloys, each offering specific properties tailored to different applications. The choice of alloy affects the foil’s mechanical properties, barrier performance, and suitability for particular packaging needs. Below is a detailed overview of the most commonly used alloy types in PTP aluminum foil.

Pharmaceutical PTP Aluminium Foil

Alloy 8011

Features and Applications

Feature Details
Composition Mainly aluminum (Al), with small amounts of iron (Fe) and silicon (Si)
Strength High strength and durability
Formability Excellent formability, suitable for complex shapes and designs
Corrosion Resistance High resistance to corrosion, ensuring long-term protection of the packaged product
Heat Sealability Can be coated with heat-sealable lacquer for effective sealing
Typical Applications Pharmaceutical blister packs, food packaging, and other high-barrier packaging needs

Properties Table

Property Value
Thickness Range 0.016-0.05 mm
Tensile Strength 125-165 MPa
Elongation ≥ 2%
Moisture Barrier Excellent
Oxygen Barrier Excellent
Heat Seal Temperature 150-200°C

Alloy 8021

Features and Applications

Feature Details
Composition High aluminum content with additions of iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and other elements
Strength Superior strength, ideal for heavy-duty packaging
Formability Good formability, though slightly less than 8011
Corrosion Resistance Excellent resistance to corrosion
Heat Sealability Compatible with various heat-sealable coatings
Typical Applications High-barrier pharmaceutical packaging, critical food packaging, and specialized industrial uses

Properties Table

Property Value
Thickness Range 0.02-0.05 mm
Tensile Strength 100-140 MPa
Elongation ≥ 2%
Moisture Barrier Excellent
Oxygen Barrier Excellent
Heat Seal Temperature 150-200°C

Alloy 8079

Features and Applications

Feature Details
Composition Aluminum (Al) with significant amounts of iron (Fe) and silicon (Si)
Strength Moderate strength, suitable for medium-duty packaging
Formability High formability, making it ideal for intricate packaging designs
Corrosion Resistance High resistance to corrosion, suitable for long-term storage
Heat Sealability Easily heat-sealable with appropriate coatings
Typical Applications Flexible packaging for pharmaceuticals, food items, and other consumer goods

Properties Table

Property Value
Thickness Range 0.01-0.05 mm
Tensile Strength 90-120 MPa
Elongation ≥ 2%
Moisture Barrier Very good
Oxygen Barrier Very good
Heat Seal Temperature 150-200°C

Comparison of Alloy Types

To help you choose the most suitable alloy for your PTP aluminum foil needs, here’s a comparative table summarizing the key properties of these common alloys:

Property Alloy 8011 Alloy 8021 Alloy 8079
Thickness Range 0.016-0.05 mm 0.02-0.05 mm 0.01-0.05 mm
Tensile Strength 125-165 MPa 100-140 MPa 90-120 MPa
Elongation ≥ 2% ≥ 2% ≥ 2%
Moisture Barrier Excellent Excellent Very good
Oxygen Barrier Excellent Excellent Very good
Heat Seal Temperature 150-200°C 150-200°C 150-200°C
Formability Excellent Good High
Corrosion Resistance High Excellent High
Typical Applications Blister packs, food packaging High-barrier packaging Flexible packaging

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